Zoek titel en artiest

  • Yvonne


    Ik ben op zoek naar de titel en artiest (zanger) van een liedje, waarvan ik alleen de woordjes “saturdaynight” en “no money” weet, ergens uit de jaren zeventig.

    Wie kan mij titel en artiest noemen?

    Bij voorbaat dank.


  • Marij

    Another Saturday night and I ain't got nobody

    I've got some money 'cause I just got paid

    Now, how I wish I had someone to talk to

    I'm in an awful way

    I got in town a month ago

    I seen a lot of girls since then

    If I could meet ‘em I could get ’em

    But as yet I haven't met 'em

    That's how I'm in the state I'm in


    Another Saturday night and I ain't got nobody

    I've got some money 'cause I just got paid

    Now, how I wish I had someone to talk to

    I'm in an awful way

    Another fella told me

    He had a sister who looked just fine

    Instead of bein' my deliv'rance

    She had a strange resemblance

    To a cat named Frankenstein

    Ooh, la,

    Another Saturday night and I ain't got nobody

    I've got some money 'cause I just got paid

    Now, how I wish I had someone to talk to

    I'm in an awful way

    It's hard on a fella

    When he don't know his way around

    If I don't find me a honey

    To help me spend my money

    I'm gonna have to blow this town

    Oh, no

    Another Saturday night and I ain't got nobody

    I've got some money 'cause I just got paid

    Now, how I wish I had someone to talk to

    I'm in an awful way

  • St.P

    http://www.wac77.com/features_pages/music_clips/another_sat_nite.mp3 ;)

  • Yvonne

    Reuze bedankt allebei! Dit is inderdaad het nummer dat ik zocht!

    Marij bedankt voor de oplossing en de tekst.

    St.P bedankt voor de link naar de mp3.

    Ik ben er erg blij mee.

    Groetjes en nogmaals dank.


  • Marij

    Veel plezier er mee Ivonne en graag gedaan

    groetjes, marij

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